
Showing posts from March, 2022

Bizarre tables: starting with MD* . Let's drop some.

What are these strange tables starting with MD*?  I’ve moved my blog from to Please update your bookmarks and follow/subscribe at the new address for all the latest updates and content. More up-to-date content of this post may be available there. Can I drop them?  I will answer first:      Yes, You can drop some of them if your Oracle DB version is 12cR2 or later.  But which ones? There were over 3000 tables starting with 'MD*' letters in one of our production database.  I knew that those tables are related with Spatial indexes. But that was a huge amount. So I took a deep dive into the spatial indexes.  For each spatial index created, one table named like "MDRT_#" is created also. There is a one to one relationship (except the partitioned o...