Sometimes a histogram existence may mislead to a suboptimal plan
I’ve moved my blog from to Please update your bookmarks and follow/subscribe at the new address for all the latest updates and content. More up-to-date content of this post may be available there. INTRO In one of our critical OLTP database, we faced " Latch: cache buffer chains " wait event issue(a long running query) on a commonly used page. Long running query was called inside a PL/SQL package function. To alleviate the situation, first we changed the function to a deterministic function and rewrite the query's function call into a scalar subquery allows Oracle to use scalar subquery caching to optimize the number of function calls. As these cautions could not cure the issue and segment access statistics were not even, we changed table partitioning strategy from list partitioned to hash-partitioned. For the problematic query issue was solved, but a batch job which completes in 5 minutes before, started to ...