Database Out of Place Patching Through runInstaller #JoelKallmanDay

Step 2 - Patch My Breath Away. (DB OOP Patching)

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I will patch all my database servers database software from 19.16 to 19.20. As there are more than 20 servers to patch, we will use fleet patching. First, I will patch a 2-node cluster database homes by using out-of-place (OOP) patching methodology through runInstaller in silent mode.
Later, I will use patched database homes to create a gold image for fleet patching of all database homes.

Setup List:
 * Database 19.3 Base Release (
 * Database 19.20 RU (
 * Grid 19.20 August MRP involves DB August MRP. (
 * OJVM 19.20 Patch (
 * DPBP 19.20 Datapump Bundle Patch (
 * Spatial 19.20 Bundle Patch (
 * DB 555.1 Recommended One-off (
 * DB 555.1 Recommended One-off (
 * Opatch Latest Version (

Database Out of Place Patching

Preparation Phase:

We replaced scp binary with the below commands not to hit "[FATAL] [INS-06006] Passwordless SSH connectivity not set up between the following node(s):" error related to Openssh_8 shipped with Oracle Linux 8 according to INS-06006 GI RunInstaller Fails If OpenSSH Is Upgraded to 8.x (Doc ID 2555697.1)

Deploying new software to all nodes with a single command. (DBRU + DB MRP + OJVM + DPBP + Spatial Bundle + One-offs)

Now, new database home software is ready to go. We will just execute scripts on all nodes.

As we make use of unified auditing on all databases, we will relink unified auditing with the on option with the below command before switching to the new home.

Now it is time to switch to the new homes. Just before the switch;
    * Do not forget to update all your shell scripts, .bashrc etc files to refer to the new db home.
    * Copy tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora from the old db home to the new db home.
    * Copy glogin.sqlfrom the old db home to the new db home.
   * Make sure that your wallet path is not dependent on your old db home, if it is, just copy to a different path and update your sqlnet.ora.
Final step, modify your database homes with srvctl command and startup your databases from the new home node by node. Below is a sample.

Hope it helps.


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